practice areas
Risk Assessment & Risk Communication
Human health risk assessment is the intersection of epidemiology, toxicology, industrial hygiene, and other disciplines and is used to characterize the health risks associated with exposures to chemicals and other stressors. Whether the assessment is focused on the workplace or is associated with the use of a consumer product, Insight Exposure & Risk Sciences has experience in qualitatively and quantitatively characterizing health risks associated with exposures to various hazards. Our team has experience in conducting risk assessments using guidelines established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, National Academy of Science, and other authoritative bodies. These efforts have been used to develop novel risk assessment approaches and derive health-based exposure limits. Additionally, we have extensive experience in communicating the results of risk assessments to aid decision makers and stockholders in developing risk management strategies.
Conducting human health risk assessments targeting occupational, consumer, and environmental scenarios.
Developing health-based exposure limits and occupational exposure recommendations.
Performing critical reviews of risk assessments established by government agencies and authoritative organizations.
Deriving safe-harbor levels for Proposition 65 labeling requirements.
Conducting critical reviews of the EPA Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) risk evaluations.
Developing and applying complex risk assessments involving multiple hazards and exposure routes.
Applying the principles of risk communication to help convey and understand the results of a risk analyses.
Derived oral and inhalation No Significant Risk Levels for 2-NP for use with California Proposition 65 labeling requirements.
Evaluated potential health risks associated with human exposures to nitrosamines in pharmaceuticals.
Performed quantitative inhalation and dermal risk assessment work associated with U.S. EPA TSCA rulemaking and risk evaluation documents for chemical substances.
Conducted critical review of U.S. EPA’s draft Proposed Principles of Cumulative Risk Assessment under TSCA.
Derived occupational exposure recommendations for disinfectants, wildfire smoke, particulates, solvents, and other chemicals.
Investigated the application of cumulative risk assessment approaches to characterize the impact of non-workplace stressors on the risk of adverse effects in occupational settings.
Participated in the development and teaching of occupational risk assessment courses.
Conducted analysis to understand the risk associated with exposures to complex mixtures.
Communicated the result of complex investigations to ensure that the target audience and stakeholders understood the potential risk in a clear, transparent, and reasonable manner.
Lynch, H.N., L.E. Gloekler, L.H. Allen, J.R. Maskrey, C. Bevan, and A. Maier. 2023. Analysis of dermal exposure assessment in the US Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Substances Control Act risk evaluations of chemical manufacturing. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 39(1):49-65.
Sahmel, J., and G. Ramachandran. 2022. Comparison of Hydration Index, Percent Hydration, and Trans-Epidermal Water Loss Measurements for Dermal Exposure and Risk Assessment. Annals of Work Exposure and Health, 66(7):907-922.
Monnot, A.D., A. Massarsky, L. Garnick, S.B. Bandara, and K.M. Unice. 2022. Can oral toxicity data for PFAS inform on toxicity via inhalation? Risk Anal, 43(8):1533-1538.
Mundt K., A.B. Santamaria, W. Thompson, C.A. Bates, C. Boles, G.S. Dotson, and M. Yong. 2022. Carcinogenicity of PSLT Particles: Commentary on Epidemiology as a Risk Assessment 'Reality Check'. Front Public Health, 10:920032.
Parker, G.H., C.E. Gillie, J.V. Miller, D.E. Badger, and M.L. Kreider. 2022. Human health risk assessment of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury ingestion from baby foods. Toxicol Reports, 4(9):238-249.
Fox, M.A., R.T. Niemeier, N. Hudson, M.R. Siegel, and G.S. Dotson. 2021. Cumulative Risks from Stressor Exposures and Personal Risk Factors in the Workplace: Examples from a Scoping Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(11):5850.
Ierardi, A.M., C. Mathis, A. Urban, N. Jacobs, B. Finley, and S. Gaffney. 2021. Potential airborne asbestos exposures in dentistry: A comprehensive review and risk assessment. Crit Rev Tox, 51(4):301-327.
Gadagbui, B., J. Moore, A. Parker, D. McCready, A.D. Monnot, L. Garnick, M. Vincent, P. Spencer, and A. Maier. 2020. Derivation of cancer no significant risk levels and screening safety assessment for 2-nitropropane in spray products. J Appl Toxicol, 40(5):691-705.
Dotson, G.S., J.T. Lotter, R.E. Zisook, S.H. Gaffney, A. Maier, and J. Colvin. 2020. Setting Occupational Exposure Limits for Antimicrobial Agents: A Case Study based on a Quaternary Ammonium Compound-based Disinfectant. Toxicol Ind Health, 36(9): 619-633.
Zisook, R.E., A. Monnot, J. Parker, S.H. Gaffney, G.S. Dotson, and K. Unice. 2020. Assessing and Managing the Risks of COVID-19 in the Workplace: Applying Industrial Hygiene (IH)/Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) frameworks. Toxicol Ind Health, 36(9): 464-479.
Beckett, E.M., W.D. Cyrs, A. Abelmann, A.D. Monnot, S.H. Gaffney, and B.L. Finley. 2019. Derivation of an occupational exposure limit for diacetyl using dose-response data from chronic animal inhalation exposure study. J Appl Tox, 39(5):688-701.
Perez, A., M. Nembhard, A. Monnot, D. Bator, E. Madonick, and S.H. Gaffney. 2017. Child and adult exposure and health risk evaluation following the use of metal- and metalloid-containing costume cosmetics sold in the United States. Reg Tox Pharm, 84:54-63.
Paustenbach, D.J., A.L. Insley, J.R. Maskrey, J.L. Bare, K.M. Unice, V.B. Conrad, L. Iordanidis, D.W. Reynolds, K.D. DiNatale, and A.D. Monnot. 2016. Analysis of Total Arsenic Content in California Wines and Comparison to Various Health Risk Criteria. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 67(2):179-187.
Dotson, G.S., A. Maier, P.D. Siegel, S.E. Anderson, B.J. Green, A.B. Stefaniak, C.D. Codispoti, and I. Kimber. 2015. Setting Occupational Exposure Limits for Chemical Allergens--Understanding the Challenges. J Occup Environ Hyg, 12(Suppl 1):S82-98.
Lentz, T.J., G.S. Dotson, P.R. Williams, A. Maier, B. Gadagbui, S.P. Pandalai, A. Lamba, F. Hearl, and M. Mumtaz. 2015. Aggregate Exposure and Cumulative Risk Assessment--Integrating Occupational and Non-occupational Risk Factors. J Occup Environ Hyg, 12(Suppl 1):S112-126.
Tvermoes, B.E., A.M. Banducci, K.D. Devlin, B.D. Kerger, M.M. Abramson, I.G. Bebenek, and A.D. Monnot. 2014. Screening Level Health Risk Assessment of Selected Metals in Apple Juice Sold in the United States. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 71:42-50.
Exposure Assessment
Exposure assessment is a multi-disciplinary field that identifies and characterizes workplace, community, or population exposures, develops estimates of exposure for compliance or exposure-response and risk assessment studies, and evaluates the significance of exposures and effectiveness of intervention strategies.
At Insight Exposure & Risk Sciences, our dedicated team has decades of experience in exposure assessment across diverse practice areas, including evaluating exposure to chemicals in air, water, food and consumer products, soil, and sediment. We leverage a wealth of knowledge to integrate cutting-edge scientific methods with real-world exposure scenarios. Through this approach, we achieve a comprehensive understanding of exposure levels, both at the population and individual levels. This enables us to develop solutions and propose recommendations regarding acute or chronic exposure risks. Our exposure assessments have involved screening level assessments, developing sampling campaigns, analysis of site-specific data, reviews of the exposure literature, simulation studies, and historical dose reconstruction. By combining scientific rigor with practical applicability, we stand at the forefront of delivering nuanced exposure assessments that empower informed decision-making in various fields.
Conducted a large-scale exposure reconstruction to benzene in refinery workers throughout the United States using an extensive database of industrial hygiene measurements.
Designed and conducted an exposure assessment for various chemicals, such as DEHP, formaldehyde, and lead, to evaluate regulatory compliance.
Designed and conducted a lead sampling campaign to evaluate potential exposures through soil, paint, and water, and evaluated potential exposures based on activity patterns.
Measured and assessed potential asbestos exposures to a variety of asbestos containing products, including brakes, gaskets, clutches, sealants, building products, and other consumer products.
Developed exposure assessment strategy for characterizing occupational exposures to peracetic acid and hydrogen peroxide in multiple workplace settings, including poultry, food-processing, and healthcare settings.
Executed exposure assessments, field studies, and surveys at numerous industrial and commercial sites. Examples include: Site survey of a former manufactured gas plant site that included air, wipe, and personal (dosimeters) samples, and site inspections to identify potential chemical exposure sources.
Quantitatively assessed theoretical exposure and associated cancer and non-cancer risk to dioxins/furans and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a community surrounding a wood treating facility.
Conducted a comprehensive analysis of personal and area benzene exposures at a large chemical plant over a 40-year period. Developed a formal retrospective exposure assessment by division, department, and job title for the entire facility, and used statistical techniques and Bayesian Decision analysis to generate exposure values.
Sahmel, J., H. Avens, T. Ferracini, A. Banducci, and K. Rickabaugh. 2022. Evaluation of Airborne Asbestos Concentrations Associated with the Operation and Maintenance of Brakes and Clutches on Nonautomated Heavy Equipment. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2022.
Zisook, R.E., B.D. Simmons, M. Vater, A. Perez, E.P. Donovan, D.J. Paustenbach, and W. D. Cyrs. 2020. Emissions associated with operations of four different additive manufacturing or 3D printing technologies. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 17(10):464-479.
Pierce, J.S., B. Roberts, D.G. Kougias, C.E. Comerford, A.S. Riordan, K.A. Keeton, H.A. Reamer, N.F. Jacobs, and J.T. Lotter. 2020. Pilot study evaluating inhalation and dermal glyphosate exposure resulting from simulated heavy residential consumer application of Roundup®. Inhalation Toxicology, 32(8):354-367.
Burns, A.M., C.A. Barlow, A.M. Banducci, K.M. Unice, and J. Sahmel. 2019. Potential Airborne Asbestos Exposure and Risk Associated with the Historical Use of Cosmetic Talcum Powder Products. Risk Anal, 39(10):2272-2294.
Avens, H.J., J.R. Maskrey, A.L. Insley, K.M. Unice, R.C.D. Reid, and J. Sahmel. 2018. Characterization of airborne BTEX exposures during use of lawnmowers and trimmers. Arch Env Occup Health, 74(4):197-205.
Abelmann, A., J.R. Maskrey, J.T. Lotter, A.M. Chapman, M.D. Nembhard, J.S. Pierce, J.M. Wilmoth, R.J. Lee, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2017. Evaluation of take-home exposure to asbestos from handling asbestos-contaminated worker clothing following the abrasive sawing of cement pipe. Inhal Tox, 29(12-14):555-566.
Perez, A., M. Nembhard, A. Monnot, D. Bator, E. Madonick, and S.H. Gaffney. 2017. Child and adult exposure and health risk evaluation following the use of metal- and metalloid-containing costume cosmetics sold in the United States. Reg Tox Pharm, 84:54-63.
Burns, A., J. Shin, K.M. Unice, S.H. Gaffney, M.L. Kreider, R.H. Gelatt, and J.M. Panko. 2016. Combined analysis of job and task benzene air exposures among workers at four US refinery operations. Tox Ind Health, 33(3):193-210.
Sahmel, J., C.A. Barlow, S. Gaffney, H. Avens, A.K. Madl, J. Henshaw, K. Unice, D. Galbraith, G. DeRose, R.J. Lee, D. Van Orden, M. Sanchez, M. Zock, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2016. Airborne asbestos take-home exposures during handling of chrysotile contaminated clothing following simulated full shift workplace exposures. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol, 26:48-62.
Sahmel, J., C.A. Barlow, B. Simmons, S.H. Gaffney, H.J. Avens, A.K. Madl, J. Henshaw, R.J. Lee, D. Van Orden, M. Sanchez, M. Zock, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2014. Evaluation of take-home exposure and risk associated with the handling of clothing contaminated with chrysotile asbestos. Risk Anal, 4(8):1448-68.
Sahmel, J., K. Devlin, A. Burns, T. Ferracini, M. Ground, and D. Paustenbach. 2013. An analysis of workplace exposures to benzene over four decades at a petrochemical processing and manufacturing facility (1962-1999). J Tox Env Health A, 76(12):723-746.
Cappello, M.A., A. Ferraro, A. Mendelsohn, and A.W. Prehn. 2013. Radon contaminated drinking water from private wells: An environmental health risk assessment examining a rural mountain community's exposure. Journal of Environmental Health, 76(4):18-24.
Pierce, J.S., A. Abelmann, L.J. Spicer, R.E. Adams, M.E. Glynn, K. Neier, B.L. Finley, and S.H. Gaffney. 2011. Characterization of formaldehyde exposure resulting from the use of four professional hair straightening products. J Occup Env Hyg, 8(11):686-699.
Donovan E.P., B.L. Donovan, J. Sahmel, P.K. Scott, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2011. Evaluation of bystander exposures to asbestos in occupational settings: A review of the literature and application of a simple eddy diffusion model. Crit Rev Toxicol, 41(1):52-74.
Sahmel, J., K.D. Devlin, D.J. Paustenbach, D.M. Hollins, and S.H. Gaffney. 2010. The role of exposure reconstruction in occupational human health risk assessment: Current methods and a recommended framework. Crit Rev Toxicol, 40(9):799-843.
Gaffney, S.H., A.M. Burns, M.L. Kreider, K.M. Unice, T.E. Widner, D.J. Paustenbach, L.E. Booher, R.H. Gelatt, and J.M. Panko. 2010. Occupational exposure at the ExxonMobil refinery in Beaumont, TX (1976-2007). Int J Hyg Env Health, 213(4):285-301.
Madl, A.K., S.H. Gaffney, J.L. Balzer, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2009. Airborne asbestos concentrations associated with heavy equipment brake removal. Annal Occup Hyg, 53(8):839-857.
Gaffney, S.H., E.C. Moody, M.A. McKinley, J.S. Knutsen, A.K. Madl, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2008. Worker exposure to methanol vapors during cleaning of semiconductor wafers in a manufacturing setting. J Occup Env Hyg, 5(5):313-324.
Exposure Modeling
Insight Exposure & Risk Sciences provides exposure modeling services, a valuable resource when exposures cannot readily be measured. Our staff offer extensive experience in modeling exposure dose via inhalation, dermal, and ingestion routes for both chemical vapors and particulates. We assist our clients with incorporation of exposure modeling into an overall risk assessment strategy, selecting a modeling approach that is best suited to address the specific needs of our clients.
Modeling dermal, inhalation, and hand-to-mouth ingestion exposure to benzene from consumer products containing trace levels of benzene.
Use of an indoor multi-room air dispersion model to estimate the exposure of hair salon workers to vinyl chloride.
Modeling inhalation and dermal exposure of workers to volatile chemicals including benzene, perchloroethylene, and methylene chloride during use of industrial solvents and consumer products.
Estimating the potential exposure of an office worker to volatile chemicals from asphalt roofing work using a sequential combination of outdoor and indoor air dispersion models.
Modeling inhalation exposure of oil spill cleanup workers to benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene.
Outdoor air dispersion modeling of volatile chemical exposures to sensitive community receptors using AERMOD in both regulatory and non-regulatory applications.
Estimating the rate of decline in airborne asbestos concentrations over time by modeling fiber settling and room ventilation.
Experienced in the use of multiple chemical exposure modeling programs published by regulatory agencies and in peer-reviewed publications including IH MODTM 2.0, IH SkinPermTM, ChemSTEER, ART, MCCEM, AERMOD, and others.
Sahmel, J., S. Arnold, and G. Ramachandran. 2021. Influence of repeated contacts on the transfer of elemental metallic lead between compartments in an integrated conceptual model for dermal exposure assessment. J Toxicol Environ Health Part A, 85(3), 89-109.
Cowan, D.M., J.R. Maskrey, E.S. Fung, T.A. Woods, L.M. Stabryla, P.K. Scott, and B.L. Finley. 2016. Best-practices approach to determination of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at specific time points: Combination of ante-mortem alcohol pharmacokinetic modeling and post-mortem alcohol generation and transport considerations. Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 78:24-36.
Sahmel, J., H.J. Avens, P.K. Scott, K. Unice, A. Burns, C.A. Barlow, A.K. Madl, J. Henshaw, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2015. Measured removal rates of chrysotile asbestos fibers from air and comparison with theoretical estimates based on gravitational settling and dilution ventilation. Inhal Tox, 27(14):787-801.
Avens H.J., K.M. Unice, J. Sahmel, S. Gross, J. Keenan, and D. Paustenbach. 2011. Analysis and modeling of airborne BTEX concentrations from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. Environ Sci Tech, 45(17):7372-7379.
Donovan E.P., B.L. Donovan, J. Sahmel, P.K. Scott, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2011. Evaluation of bystander exposures to asbestos in occupational settings: A review of the literature and application of a simple eddy diffusion model. Crit Rev Toxicol, 41(1):52-74.
Paustenbach, D.J., J.S. Knutsen, D.M. Hollins, J. Sahmel, and A.K. Madl. 2010. Comparison of modeled and measured concentrations of airborne benzene from the use of petroleum-based solvents spiked with low levels of benzene. Chem-Biol Interact, 184(1-2):296-298.
Sahmel, J., K.M. Unice, P.K. Scott, D.M. Cowan, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2009. The Use of Multizone Models to Estimate an Airborne Chemical Contaminant Generation and Decay Profile: Occupational Exposures of Hairdressers to Vinyl Chloride in Hairspray during the 1960s and 1970s. Risk Analysis, 29(12):1699-1725.
Dermal Exposure
Dermal exposure is a key exposure route for both occupational and non-occupational exposures. Nonetheless, exposure through the skin is often overlooked since it is less straightforward to estimate compared to inhalation exposure. Insight researchers have helped advance the science of dermal exposure assessment. Our scientists have published widely on dermal exposure topics including measurement techniques, modeling approaches, and evaluation of exposure parameters that impact dermal exposure. We have experience assisting clients with a variety of dermal exposure concerns. Previous work has encompassed solvents, powders, and metals in both occupational, non-occupational, and consumer product settings.
Estimated dermal exposure to benzene in consumer cosmetic products using a variety of exposure modeling approaches.
Performed dermal exposure modeling in industrial and commercial scenarios where dichloromethane (methylene chloride), trichloroethylene (TCE) and/or perchloroethylene (PCE) were used as solvents.
Measured amount of copper and silver on skin following handling of metal ingots to inform dermal transfer characteristics.
Designed a dermal exposure assessment modeling approach for micronized copper exposure to children due to contact with treated lumber on playgrounds.
Conducted a Proposition 65 assessment, including dermal exposure, of a consumer product packaging containing cadmium in the label.
Reviewed, summarized, and analyzed literature regarding the dermal transfer efficiency of microbes between skin and various surfaces.
Conducted a risk assessment for dermal exposures to chemicals in water and soil for a large construction project.
Lynch, H.N., L.E. Gloekler, L.H. Allen, J.R. Maskrey, C. Bevan, and A. Maier. 2023. Analysis of dermal exposure assessment in the US Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Substances Control Act risk evaluations of chemical manufacturing. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 39(1):49-65.
Sahmel, J. and G. Ramachandran. 2022. Potential Influence of Skin Hydration and Transepidermal Water Loss on the Dermal Transfer and Loading of Elemental Metallic Lead. Annals of Work Exposure and Health, 66(7):923-936.
Sahmel, J., S. Arnold, and G. Ramachandran. 2021. Influence of repeated contacts on the transfer of elemental metallic lead between compartments in an integrated conceptual model for dermal exposure assessment. J Toxicol Environ Health Part A, 85(3):89-109.
Pierce, J.S., B. Roberts, D.G. Kougias, C.E. Comerford, A.S. Riordan, K.A. Keeton, H.A. Reamer, N.F.B. Jacobs, and J.T. Lotter. 2020. Pilot study evaluating inhalation and dermal glyphosate exposure resulting from simulated heavy residential consumer application of Roundup®. Inhal Tox, 32(8):354-367.
Hudson N.L., G.S. Dotson, and A. Maier. 2018. The Dermal Exposure Risk Management and Logic eToolkit: Characterizing and Managing Dermal Exposure during Emergency Management Operations. J Emerg Manag, 16(3):159-172.
Sahmel, J. 2015. Dermal Exposure Assessments. Chapter 13. In: A Strategy for Assessing and Managing Occupational Exposures, 4th ed. Ignacio and Bullock (eds). American Industrial Hygiene Association, Fairfax, VA.
Frasch, H.F., G.S. Dotson, A.L. Bunge, C.P. Chen, J.W. Cherrie, G.B. Kasting, J.C. Kissel, J. Sahmel, S. Semple and S. Wilkinson. 2014. Analysis of Finite Dose Dermal Absorption Data: Implications for Dermal Exposure Assessment. J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol, 24(1):65-73.
Williams P.R.D., J. Sahmel, J.S. Knutsen, J. Spencer and A.L. Bunge. 2011. Dermal Absorption of Benzene in Occupational Settings: Estimating Flux and Applications for Risk Assessment. Crit Rev Toxicol, 41(2):111-142.
Sahmel, J., M. Boeniger, J.S. Knutsen, W. ten Berge and M.C. Fehrenbacher. 2009. Dermal Exposure Modeling. Chapter 13, pp. 105-132, In: Mathematical Models for Estimating Occupational Exposure to Chemicals, 2nd ed. Keil C, Simmons, C and Anthony, R., eds. Fairfax, VA: American Industrial Hygiene Association Press.
Industrial Hygiene
Industrial hygiene is the science and art dedicated to anticipating, recognizing, evaluating, controlling, and confirming protection from environmental factors or stressors in the workplace that may cause sickness, impaired health and well-being, or significant discomfort for workers or community members. At Insight Exposure & Risk Sciences, our team of industrial hygienists bring specialized expertise to qualitative and quantitative industrial hygiene assessments and simulation studies. We have a proven track record of assisting clients by evaluating and critiquing industrial hygiene programs, performing chemical and environmental monitoring, providing critical reviews of industrial hygiene sampling methods, conducting statistical analyses of worker and environmental sampling data, analyzing complex exposure scenarios using various sampling and modeling methodologies, and providing solutions and recommendations to improve industrial hygiene programs. Several of our scientists are Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH) as accredited through the Board for Global EHS Credentialing (BGC). Our experience extends to chemical, particulate, biological, physical, and ergonomic stressors, as well as growing practice in psychosocial stressors.
Reviewing current and historical sampling data to evaluate worker and community exposures.
Designing and executing simulation studies to collect samples and understand exposures.
Evaluating current or historical industrial hygiene and occupational safety programs to provide recommendations or assess adequacy and compliance.
Assessing regulatory compliance for stakeholders, such as employers, manufacturers, distributors, and contractors, for the purpose of maintaining a healthy and safe work environment.
Performed a historical reviews on the responsibility of employers to protect its employees and assessed employer, distributor, and manufacturer responsibilities in product warning, labeling, and communication according to OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard.
Conducted a historical state of the art assessment on silica, including its use in industrial operations, health effects, the setting of occupational exposure limits, and the use and effectiveness of personal protective equipment.
Developed a hazard-banding approach for large warehousing and transportation operations that was integrated into a comprehensive risk management strategy to control worker exposure to potentially hazardous products.
Various industrial hygiene evaluations in the oil and gas sector including: assessment of exposure to dusts and heavy metals from catalyst products; evaluation of acute exposures to hydrogen sulfide, benzene, sulfur dioxide, and carbon monoxide; assessment of potential mercury exposures associated with manometers; and qualitative and quantitative exposure assessment to establish similar exposure groups (SEGs).
Designed and conducted various asbestos sampling campaigns and analysis of data to compare to occupational exposure limit values and other benchmarks.
Evaluated and provided continued monitoring of indoor air quality in response to odor concerns in a commercial facility.
Conducted sampling for mold spores to assess potential contamination and remediation efforts in a commercial facility. Separately, reviewed the available data regarding the presence of mold in a residential setting in relation to potential health effects.
Conducted a survey of healthcare administrative facilities that included air, bulk, water, and wipe sampling to evaluate the indoor environment quality with specific agents sampled, including particulate matter, volatile organic compounds, formaldehyde, polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), metals, and gases (carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide).
Developed and wrote policy and program guidelines on chemical exposure and safety issues, including respirator cartridge evaluation and testing, particulate exposures and evaluation, dermal exposure assessment and glove permeation evaluation, and engineering controls in the workplace.
Developed a hazard-banding approach for large warehousing and transportation operations that was integrated into a comprehensive risk management strategy to control worker exposure to potentially hazardous products.
Louie, F., L. Garnick, A.M. Hernandez, S.H. Gaffney, and R.E. Zisook. 2022. Filtration efficiency of makeshift material masks vs. surgical/procedure masks and/or filtering facepiece respirators: A narrative review. J Pub Health Emerg, 6.
Sahmel, J., H. Avens, T. Ferracini, A. Banducci, and K. Rickabaugh. 2022. Evaluation of Airborne Asbestos Concentrations Associated with the Operation and Maintenance of Brakes and Clutches on Nonautomated Heavy Equipment. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2022.
Zisook, R.E., A. Monnot, J. Parker, S. Gaffney, S. Dotson, and K. Unice. 2020. Assessing and managing the risks of COVID-19 in the workplace: Applying industrial hygiene (IH)/occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) frameworks. Tox Ind Health, 36(9):607-618.
Zisook, R.E., B.D. Simmons, M. Vater, A. Perez, E.P. Donovan, D.J. Paustenbach, and W.D. Cyrs. 2020. Emissions associated with operations of four different additive manufacturing or 3D printing technologies. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 17(10):464-479.
Zisook, R.E., A. Monnot, J. Parker, S.H. Gaffney, G.S. Dotson, and K. Unice. 2020. Assessing and Managing the Risks of COVID-19 in the Workplace: Applying Industrial Hygiene (IH)/Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety (OEHS) frameworks. Toxicol Ind Health, 36(9): 464-479.
Burns, A.M., C.A. Barlow, A.M. Banducci, K.M. Unice, and J. Sahmel. 2019. Potential Airborne Asbestos Exposure and Risk Associated with the Historical Use of Cosmetic Talcum Powder Products. Risk Anal, 39(10):2272-2294.
Avens, H.J., J.R. Maskrey, A.L. Insley, K.M. Unice, R.C.D. Reid, and J. Sahmel. 2018. Characterization of airborne BTEX exposures during use of lawnmowers and trimmers. Arch Env Occup Health, 74(4):197-205.
Barlow, C.A., J. Sahmel, D.J. Paustenbach, and J.L. Henshaw. 2017. History of knowledge and evolution of occupational health and regulatory aspects of asbestos exposure science: 1900-1975. Crit Rev Tox, 47(4):1-31.
Sahmel, J., C.A. Barlow, S. Gaffney, H.J. Avens, A.K. Madl, J. Henshaw, K. Unice, D. Galbraith, G. DeRose, R.J. Lee, D. Van Orden, M. Sanchez, M. Zock, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2016. Airborne asbestos take-home exposures during handling of chrysotile-contaminated clothing following simulated full shift workplace exposures. J Exp Sci Environ Epidemiol, 26:48-62.
Sahmel, J., H.J. Avens, P.K. Scott, K. Unice, A. Burns, C.A. Barlow, A.K. Madl, J. Henshaw, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2015. Measured removal rates of chrysotile asbestos fibers from air and comparison with theoretical estimates based on gravitational settling and dilution ventilation. Inhal Tox, 27(14):787-801.
Cowan D.M., T.J. Cheng, M. Ground, J. Sahmel, A. Varughese, and A.K. Madl. 2015. Analysis of workplace compliance measurements of asbestos by the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (1984-2011). Reg Tox Pharm, 72:615-629.
Banerjee, S., G. Ramachandran, M. Vadali, and J. Sahmel. 2014. Bayesian hierarchical framework for occupational hygiene decision making. Ann Occup Hyg, 58(9):1079-1093.
Sahmel, J., K. Devlin, A. Burns, T. Ferracini, M. Ground, and D. Paustenbach. 2013. An analysis of workplace exposures to benzene over four decades at a petrochemical processing and manufacturing facility (1962-1999). J Tox Env Health A, 76(12):723-746.
Gross S.A., H.J. Avens, A.M. Banducci, J. Sahmel, J.M. Panko, and B.E. Tvermoes. 2013. Analysis of BTEX groundwater concentrations from surface spills associated with hydraulic fracturing operations. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 63(4):424-432.
Donovan E.P., B.L. Donovan, J. Sahmel, P.K. Scott, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2011. Evaluation of bystander exposures to asbestos in occupational settings: A review of the literature and application of a simple eddy diffusion model. Crit Rev Toxicol, 41(1):52-74.
Gaffney, S.H., A.M. Burns, M.L. Kreider, K.M. Unice, T.E. Widner, D.J. Paustenbach, L.E. Booher, R.H. Gelatt, and J.M. Panko. 2010. Occupational exposure at the ExxonMobil refinery in Beaumont, TX (1976-2007). Int J Hyg Env Health, 213(4):285-301.
Sahmel, J., K.M. Unice, P.K. Scott, D.M. Cowan, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2009. The Use of Multizone Models to Estimate an Airborne Chemical Contaminant Generation and Decay Profile: Occupational Exposures of Hairdressers to Vinyl Chloride in Hairspray during the 1960s and 1970s. Risk Analysis, 29(12):1699-1725.
Panko, J.M., S.H. Gaffney, A.M. Burns, K.M. Unice, M.L. Kreider, L.E. Booher, R.H. Gelatt, J.R. Marshall, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2009. Occupational Exposure to Benzene at the Exxon Mobil Refinery at Baton Rouge, Louisiana (1977-2005). J Occup Environ Hyg, 6(9):517-529.
McAtee, B.L., E.P. Donovan, S.H. Gaffney, W. Frede, J.S. Knutsen, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2009. Historical analysis of airborne beryllium concentrations at a copper beryllium machining facility (1964-2000). Ann Occup Hyg, 53(4):373-382.
A.K. Madl, E.P. Donovan, S.H. Gaffney, M.A. McKinley, E.C. Moody, J.L. Henshaw, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2008. Historical state-of-the-science review of the occupational health hazards of crystalline silica in abrasive blasting operations and related requirements for respiratory protection. J Tox Env Health B, 11:548-608.
Henshaw, J.L., S.H. Gaffney, A.K. Madl, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2007. The employer’s responsibility to maintain a safe and healthful work environment: An historical review of societal expectations and industrial practices. Employee Respon Rights J, 19(3):173-192.
Simulation Exposure Studies
Insight Exposure & Risk Sciences provides scientific expertise in designing, executing, and analyzing simulation studies. The objective of simulation studies is to accurately recreate and assess historical exposure scenarios using modern analytical methods. Our specialization extends to cost estimates/budgeting, detailed study protocols, study design (air, surface, and bulk sampling), sampling equipment and media selection, study execution, laboratory selection, data analysis, and publishing of results. Further, our scientists are knowledgeable and experienced in the development of institutional review board (IRB) protocols, design and approval of health and safety training, personal protection equipment selection, identifying and adhering to approved sampling methodologies (particulate or chemical-specific), and recordkeeping. Simulation studies performed by our scientists provide novel exposure data to supplement the existing body of knowledge regarding specific exposure scenarios, as well as to develop new exposure assessments for scenarios where historical exposures are unknown. Upon completion of the simulated exposures studies, our scientists are well-versed in the preparation of reports and peer-reviewed manuscripts that interpret the exposure data collected and assess any potential health risks associated with such exposures.
Expertise conducting simulation studies associated with particulate agents and chemicals including asbestos, solvents, metals, VOCs, acid vapors, herbicides, carbon monoxide, and formaldehyde, among others.
Designed and executed simulated exposure studies involving the removal, manipulation, and installation of asbestos-containing brakes and clutches, and/or gaskets associated with passenger vehicles, motorcycles, and heavy equipment.
Performed simulation studies associated with the commercial and/or industrial work and equipment, including the removal and installation of asbestos-containing gaskets and/or packing materials within valves, pumps, and compressors and application and removal of asbestos-containing duct sealer.
Designed and executed simulation studies associated with construction materials, including cutting of historical asbestos-containing cement piping and commercial siding and application and finishing work related to asbestos-containing wood putty.
Designed and executed simulation studies associated with application of glyphosate-containing herbicides.
Assessed dermal exposures and subsequent hand-to-mouth transfer to various metals.
Determined welding fume exposures during flux-cored arc welding (FCAW).
Evaluated formaldehyde exposures with various personal care products.
Performed assessment airborne exposures associated with sodium chlorite spills.
Evaluated exposure characterizations for metals, VOCs, and inorganic acids associated with lithium-ion battery thermal runaway events.
Assessed exposure to diacetyl, 2,3-pentanedione, methanol, and acetaldehyde from roasting coffee beans, and evaluated methanol exposures associated with cleaning of semiconductor wafers.
Evaluated exposures to benzene, toluene, xylenes, and ethylbenzene during use of equipment containing 2-stroke engines.
Assessments of take-home exposures associated with handling of work clothing worn by individuals occupationally exposed to asbestos-containing products.
Sahmel, J., H. Avens, T. Ferracini, A. Banducci, and K. Rickabaugh. 2022. Evaluation of Airborne Asbestos Concentrations Associated with the Operation and Maintenance of Brakes and Clutches on Nonautomated Heavy Equipment. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2022.
Pierce, J.S., B. Roberts, D.G. Kougias, C.E. Comerford, A.S. Riordan, K.A. Keeton, H.A. Reamer, N.F. Jacobs, and J.T. Lotter. 2020. Pilot study evaluating inhalation and dermal glyphosate exposure resulting from simulated heavy residential consumer application of Roundup®. Inhalation Toxicology, 32(8):354-367.
Abelmann, A., J.R. Maskrey, J.T. Lotter, A.M. Chapman, M.D. Nembhard, J.S. Pierce, J.M. Wilmoth, R.J. Lee, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2017. Evaluation of take-home exposure to asbestos from handling asbestos-contaminated worker clothing following the abrasive sawing of cement pipe. Inhalation Toxicology, 29(12-14):555-566.
Pierce, J.S., A.S. Riordan, E.W. Miller, S.H. Gaffney, and D.M. Hollins. 2017. Evaluation of the presence of asbestos in cosmetic talcum products. Inhal Tox, 29(10):443-456.
Anderson, G.L., L. Garnick, M.S. Fung, and S.H. Gaffney. 2017. A pilot study to assess lead exposure from routine consumption of coffee and tea from ceramic mugs: Comparison to California Safe Harbor Levels. Int J Food Contam, 4:4.
Perez, A., M. Nembhard, A. Monnot, D. Bator, E. Madonick, and S.H. Gaffney. 2017. Child and adult exposure and health risk evaluation following the use of metal- and metalloid-containing costume cosmetics sold in the United States. Reg Tox Pharm, 84:54-63.
Sahmel, J., C.A. Barlow, S. Gaffney, H.J. Avens, A.K. Madl, J. Henshaw, K. Unice, D. Galbraith, G. DeRose, R.J. Lee, D. Van Orden, M. Sanchez, M. Zock, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2016. Airborne asbestos take-home exposures during handling of chrysotile-contaminated clothing following simulated full shift workplace exposures. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology, 26:48-62.
Sahmel, J., H.J. Avens, P.K. Scott, K. Unice, A. Burns, C.A. Barlow, A.K. Madl, J. Henshaw, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2015. Measured removal rates of chrysotile asbestos fibers from air and comparison with theoretical estimates based on gravitational settling and dilution ventilation. Inhalation Toxicology, 27(14):787-801.
Gaffney, S.H., A. Abelmann, J.S. Pierce, M.E. Glynn, J.L. Henshaw, L.A. McCarthy, J.T. Lotter, M. Liong, and B. Finley. 2015. Naturally occurring diacetyl and 2,3-pentanedione concentrations associated with roasting and grinding unflavored coffee beans in a commercial setting. Tox Reports, 2:1171-1181.
Sahmel, J., C.A. Barlow, B. Simmons, S.H. Gaffney, H.J. Avens, A.K. Madl, J. Henshaw, R.J. Lee, D. Van Orden, M. Sanchez, M. Zock, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2014. Evaluation of take-home exposure and risk associated with the handling of clothing contaminated with chrysotile asbestos. Risk Analysis, 34(8):1448-68.
Sahmel, J., S. Gaffney, J. Knutsen, B. Epstien, and D. Paustenbach. 2014. Determinants of carbon monoxide exposure inside a motor home during on-board generator use. Int J Vehicle Safety, 7(3-4):409-424.
Pierce, J.S., A. Abelmann, L.J. Spicer, R.E. Adams, M.E. Glynn, K. Neier, B.L. Finley, and S.H. Gaffney. 2011. Characterization of formaldehyde exposure resulting from the use of four professional hair straightening products. J Occup Env Hyg, 8(11):686-699.
Madl, A.K., S.H. Gaffney, J.L. Balzer, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2009. Airborne asbestos concentrations associated with heavy equipment brake removal. Annal Occup Hyg, 53(8):839-857.
Blake, C.L., G.S. Dotson, and R.D. Harbison. 2008. Evaluation of asbestos exposure within the automotive repair industry: a study involving removal of asbestos-containing body sealants and drive clutch replacement. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 52(3):324-331.
Gaffney, S.H., E.C. Moody, M.A. McKinley, J.S. Knutsen, A.K. Madl, and D.J. Paustenbach. 2008. Worker exposure to methanol vapors during cleaning of semiconductor wafers in a manufacturing setting. J Occup Env Hyg, 5(5):313-324.
Blake, C.L., G.S. Dotson, and R.D. Harbison. 2006. Assessment of airborne asbestos exposure during the servicing and handling of automobile asbestos-containing gaskets. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 45(2):214-222.
At Insight, we are dedicated to offering comprehensive toxicology services that drive informed decision-making and promote health and safety for workers and communities. We are experts in characterizing the human and environmental health effects of chemicals in air, water, foods, and consumer products. Insight’s multidisciplinary team of toxicologists specializes in regulatory and occupational toxicology, dose-response relationships, and chemical risk characterization.
In-depth hazard assessments of high-profile chemicals.
Critical evaluation of toxicological data to understand potential human health risks.
Development of health-based exposure limits.
Occupational, consumer, and regulatory toxicology.
Assessment of ingredients in personal care products.
Inhalation dosimetry modeling.
Evaluation of genotoxic impurities in pharmaceuticals.
QSAR and read-across analysis.
Animal species extrapolation to humans.
Derivation of safe-harbor levels for Proposition 65 labeling requirements.
Systematic literature reviews for creation of toxicological profiles.
Technical support for TSCA risk evaluations.
Toxicological assessment of various chemicals, including dusts and metals, industrial chemicals, agrochemicals, flavorant chemicals, antimicrobials, pharmaceuticals, nitrosamines, and more.
Derived oral and inhalation No Significant Risk Levels for 2-NP for use with California Proposition 65 labeling requirements.
Reviewed and compared state and federal PFOA drinking water guidelines and compared the standard across several factors, such as the methodology, drinking water intake rake, relative source contribution, and health endpoint of concern. Evaluated uncertainty values for the EPA health advisory using a Monte Carlo analysis that included distributions for drinking water ingestion rate in terms of L/kg BW-day and the relative source contribution (RSC).
Designed and conducted a simulation study to understand potential Pb exposures from drinking coffee and tea from lead-containing mugs and compared the amount of lead leached into the beverages to current regulatory guidance values.
Evaluated potential health risks associated with human exposures to nitrosamines in pharmaceuticals.
Performed quantitative inhalation and dermal risk assessment work to support industry trade groups with reviews and comments on USEPA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) rulemaking and risk evaluation documents for chemical substances evaluated using the new TSCA framework mandated by the 2016 Lautenberg Act.
Performed read-across and structure-activity relationship analyses for novel chemistries and polymers to support toxicological evaluations.
Reviewed toxicological literature on mode of action and health endpoints related to methyl bromide to evaluate risk of exposures from occupational use of fumigants.
Conducted inhalation dosimetry to characterize the deposition of particulates in the lungs of workers under various exposure conditions.
Garnick, L., C. Bates, A. Massarsky, P. Spencer, P. Sura, A.D. Monnot, and A. Maier. 2023. Developmental and reproductive toxicity hazard characterization of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP). J Appl Toxicol, 2023:1-17.
Lynch, H.N., L.E. Gloekler, L.H. Allen, J.R. Maskrey, C. Bevan, and A. Maier. 2023. Analysis of dermal exposure assessment in the US Environmental Protection Agency Toxic Substances Control Act risk evaluations of chemical manufacturing. Toxicology and Industrial Health, 39(1):49-65.
Lynch, H.N., J.K. Kozal, M.J. Vincent, R.D. Fried, E.M. Beckett, S.E. Brown, C. Mathis, R.S. Schoney, and A. Maier. 2023. Systematic review of the human health hazards of propylene dichloride. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 144:1-19.
Mundt, K.A., A.B. Santamaria, W.J. Thompson, C.A. Bates, C. Boles, G.S. Dotson, and M. Yong. 2022. Carcinogenicity of Poorly Soluble Low Toxicity Particles: Commentary on Epidemiology as a Risk Assessment "Reality Check". Front Public Health, 10(2022):920032.
Monnot, A.D., A. Massarsky, L. Garnick, S.B. Bandara, and K. Unice. 2022. Can oral toxicity data for PFAS inform on toxicity via inhalation? Risk Anal, 43(8):1533-1538.
Mazzotta, H.C., W.A. Robbins, and C.S. Tsai. 2022. An analysis of prenatal exposure factors and offspring health outcomes in rodents from synthesized nanoparticles. Reproductive Toxicology, 110:60-67.
Parker, G.H., C.E. Gillie, J.V. Miller, D.E. Badger, and M.L. Kreider. 2022. Human health risk assessment of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury ingestion from baby foods. Toxicol Reports, 4(9):238-249.
Fox, M.A., R.T. Niemeier, N. Hudson, M.R. Siegel, and G.S. Dotson. 2021. Cumulative Risks from Stressor Exposures and Personal Risk Factors in the Workplace: Examples from a Scoping Review. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 18(11):5850.
Gadagbui, B., J. Moore, A. Parker, D. McCready, A.D. Monnot, L. Garnick, M. Vincent, P. Spencer, and A. Maier. 2020. Derivation of cancer no significant risk levels and screening safety assessment for 2-nitropropane in spray products. J Appl Toxicol, 40(5):691-705.
Dotson, G.S., J.T. Lotter, R.E. Zisook, S.H. Gaffney, A. Maier, and J. Colvin. 2020. Setting Occupational Exposure Limits for Antimicrobial Agents: A Case Study based on a Quaternary Ammonium Compound-based Disinfectant. Toxicol Ind Health, 36(9): 619-633.
More, S.L., S.A. Thornton, J.R. Maskrey, A. Sharma, E. de Gandiaga, T.J. Cheng, E.S. Fung, A.J. Bernal, and A.K. Madl. 2020. PBPK modeling characterization of potential acute impairment effects from inhalation of ethanol during e-cigarette use. Inhalation Toxicology, 32(1):14-23.
Vincent, M.J., J.S. Kozal, W.J. Thompson, A. Maier, G.S. Dotson, E.A. Best, and K.A. Mundt. 2019. Ethylene oxide: Cancer Evidence Integration and Dose-response Implications. Dose Response, 17(4).
Applied Epidemiology & Public Health
Insight Exposure & Risk Sciences offers extensive expertise in applied epidemiology and public health evaluations. We specialize in the practical application of epidemiological principles and applying statistical analyses, public health surveillance, and published literature to identify and assess human health risks and exposures. We provide high quality scientific expert services shaped by our diverse experience and leadership and have the ability to tailor our services to meet individual client needs.
Our diverse experience in epidemiology and public health includes assessments of human health risks related to infectious diseases, chronic health conditions, and environmental and consumer product exposures. We provide innovative and quality scientific assessments that inform evidence-based decision making and provide effective public health evaluations and risk communication.
Epidemiological and statistical analysis and data visualization.
Critical reviews and synthesis of published literature and data (including systematic review and meta-analyses).
Applied epidemiological assessments using local, state, and national public health data sets and surveillance systems.
Development of scientific reports, publications, presentations, and briefs.
Regulatory, policy, and public health decision-making guidance and assessments.
Public health practice consultations.
Communicable disease exposure assessments, including Legionnaires’ disease and Pontiac fever, foodborne illness, and community and occupational exposures to COVID-19.
Epidemiological cancer risk and illness evaluations and assessments, including systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses.
Epidemiological assessment of substance misuse and life expectancy.
Local, state, and national epidemiological trend analysis and community impact assessments related to opioid misuse.
Epidemiological disease risk evaluations, data analysis, and comprehensive literature reviews of topics including ethylene oxide, talcum powder, benzene, gasoline, paraquat, and asbestos exposures.
General public health program consultation and support, including for local government and non-profit health organizations.
Stewart, C., R. Fried, E. Sutherland, R.K. Brewster, E.A. Best, and M.A. Cappello. 2023. Restaurant-associated foodborne illness outbreaks in the United States: an epidemiological assessment comparing outbreak occurrence and density Before [2000-2019] and during [2020] the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Public Health & Emergency, 7.
Lynch, H., D. Lauer, O. Leleck, R.D. Freid, J. Collins, W. Thompson, A.M. Ierardi, A. Uran, M.A. Cappello, P. Boffetta, and K. Mundt. 2022. Systematic review of the scientific evidence of the pulmonary carcinogenicity of talc. Frontiers in Public Health, 10:989111.
Cappello, M.A., A.M. Hernandez, D.J. Lauer, A.J. Russell, R.K. Brewster, E.A. Best, R. Fried, C. Boles, and J. Parker. 2022. Risk mitigation and disease control challenges of SARSCoV-2 multidirectional transmission at ski resorts. Journal of Public Health & Emergency, 6:14.
Mazzotta, H.C., W.A. Robbins, and C.S. Tsai. 2022. An analysis of prenatal exposure factors and offspring health outcomes in rodents from synthesized nanoparticles. Reproductive Toxicology, 110:60-67.
Alexander D.D., S.T. Pastula, and A.S. Riordan. 2021. Epidemiology of lung cancer among acrylonitrile exposed study populations: A meta-analysis. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 122:104896.
Marsh G.M., K.A. Keeton, A.S. Riordan, E.A. Best, S.M. Benson. 2019. Ethylene oxide and risk of lympho-hematopoietic cancer and breast cancer: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Int Arch Occup Environ Health, 92(7):919-939.
Best E.A., E. Juarez-Colunga, K. James, W.G. LeBlanc, and B. Serdar. 2016. Biomarkers of Exposure to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Cognitive Function among Elderly in the United States (National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: 2001-2002). PLoS ONE, 11(2):e0147632.
Cappello, M.A., A. Ferraro, A. Mendelsohn, and A.W. Prehn. 2013. Radon contaminated drinking water from private wells: An environmental health risk assessment examining a rural mountain community's exposure. Journal of Environmental Health, 76(4):18-24.
Cappello, M.A. 2011. Assessing bacteriological water contamination in public swimming facilities within a metropolitan community. Journal of Environmental Health, 73(7):19-25.
Product Stewardship
Our team at Insight is at the forefront of providing cutting-edge and comprehensive product stewardship services to a diverse range of businesses and manufacturers. Product stewardship ensures that products and materials are managed in a way that reduces their impact, throughout their lifecycle, on the environment and on human health and safety.
Consumers are increasingly conscientious about product safety, and manufacturers are confronted with the crucial task of ensuring compliance with a myriad of regulations that govern chemicals and products. This includes navigating through established frameworks like the Consumer Product Safety Act (CPSA) and adhering to state-specific mandates such as California's Proposition 65. Recognizing the evolving regulatory landscape and heightened consumer expectations, our dedicated team at Insight is committed to offering more than just compliance solutions. We go beyond by providing invaluable scientific expertise and toxicology knowledge. Our team specializes in conducting thorough risk assessments of chemicals’ impact on both the environment and human health. For example, we have ample experience with the evaluation of products for compliance with California’s Proposition 65 labeling requirements. This comprehensive approach enables us to guide manufacturers towards informed decision-making, facilitating the adoption of alternatives that not only meet regulatory requirements but also contribute to a more sustainable and responsible future.
Moreover, we believe in proactivity as a key driver for success in this dynamic landscape. Our team assists businesses in implementing proactive measures to mitigate potential risks, fostering resilience against regulatory changes and market demands. By actively engaging with the intricate process of evaluating chemical alternatives and their implications, we empower our clients to stay ahead of the curve, ensuring their products align with the highest safety standards and contribute positively to the broader goals of sustainability.
Garnick, L., C. Bates, A. Massarsky, P. Spencer, P. Sura, A.D. Monnot, and A. Maier. 2023. Developmental and reproductive toxicity hazard characterization of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP). J Appl Toxicol, 2023.
Louie F., L. Garnick, A.M. Hernandez, S.H. Gaffney, and R.Z. Zisook. 2022. Filtration efficiency of makeshift material masks vs. surgical/procedure masks and/or filtering facepiece respirators: a narrative review. J Public Health Emerg, 6.
Gadagbui, B., J. Moore, A. Parker, D. McCready, A.D. Monnot, L. Garnick, M. Vincent, P. Spencer, and A. Maier. 2020. Derivation of cancer no significant risk levels and screening safety assessment for 2-nitropropane in spray products. J Appl Toxicol, 40(5):691-705.
Alexander D.D., S.T. Pastula, and A.S. Riordan. 2021. Epidemiology of lung cancer among acrylonitrile-exposed study populations: A meta-analysis. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 122:104896.
Blevens, M.S., H.F. Pastrana, H.C. Mazzotta, and C.S.J. Tsai. 2021. Cloth Face Masks Containing Silver: Evaluating the Status. ACS Chemical Health & Safety, 28(3):171-182.
Calcaterra H., N. Shin, P.L. Quirk, and C.S.J. Tsai. 2020. Low Concentration Analysis of Silver Nanoparticles in Consumer Spray Products. Atmosphere, 11(4):403.
Pierce, J.S., A.S. Riordan, E.W. Miller, S.H. Gaffney, and D.M. Hollins. 2017. Evaluation of the presence of asbestos in cosmetic talcum products. Inhal Tox, 29(10):443-456.
Gauthier, A.M., M. Fung, J. Panko, T. Kingsbury, A.L. Perez, K. Hitchcock, T. Ferracini, J. Sahmel, A. Banducci, M. Jacobsen, and A. Abelmann. 2015. Chemical assessment state of the science: Evaluation of 32 decision‐support tools used to screen and prioritize chemicals. Integrated Assessment and Management, 11(2):242-255.
Total Worker Health
Insight Exposure & Risk Sciences offers scientific expertise in assessing total worker exposures and occupational health risks, supporting initiatives like Total Worker Health (TWH) and Total Exposure Health (TEH). Our specialized methodologies address diverse stressors and hazards in modern workplaces, providing comprehensive solutions for emerging challenges in exposure and risk assessment.
Expertise in occupational health and safety assessment.
Specialization in employing exposure assessment methods for worker health.
Proficiency in NIOSH Total Worker Health (TWH), Total Exposure Health (TEH), and Total Worker Exposure (TWE) policies.
Services include comprehensive reviews of wearable sensor data and technologies.
Utilization of novel risk assessment methodologies:
Cumulative risk assessment
Aggregate exposure assessment
Bolus or peak exposure analysis
Comparative risk analysis
Capability in participatory action research for worker health programs.
Fox, M.A., R.T. Niemeier, N. Hudson, M.R. Siegel, and G.S. Dotson. 2021. Cumulative Risks from Stressor Exposures and Personal Risk Factors in the Workplace: Examples from a Scoping Review. IJERPH, 18(11):5850.
Abelmann, A., A.R. McEwen, J.T. Lotter, and J.R. Maskrey. 2020. Survey of 24-h personal formaldehyde in geographically distributed urban office workers in the USA. Env Sci Poll Res, 27:17250-17257.
Lentz, T.J., G.S. Dotson, P.R. Williams, A. Maier, B. Gadagbui, S.P. Pandalai, A. Lamba, F. Hearl and M. Mumtaz. 2015. Aggregate Exposure and Cumulative Risk Assessment--Integrating Occupational and Non-occupational Risk Factors. J Occup Environ Hyg, 12(Suppl 1):S112-126.
